Top 25 Trout Patterns in the US

Hare's Ear Nymph # 16-18


Parachute Adams # 14-20


Hare's Ear Nymph # 14-18


Soft Hackle # 14-18


Caddis Emerger # 14-18


Tan Elk Hair Caddis # 14-18


Pheasant Tail Nymph # 14-20


Rusty Spinner # 14


Hendrickson Nymph # 12-14


Thorax BWO # 14-18


Red Quill # 12-14


Dark Hendrickson # 12-14


Black Palmer # 12


Black Elk Hair Caddis # 16-20


Ants # 14-18


Parachute Adams # 18-22


Yellow Sally # 14


Golden Stonefly Nymph # 8-10


Cahill Dun # 16


Cahill Parachute # 16


Pheasant Tail Nymph # 16-20


Griffith's Gnat # 16-22


Pheasant Tail Nymph # 16-18


Dave's Hoppers # 6-12


Parachute Adams # 16-22


Value number equals the number of times the Pattern is recommended.

Note: Some patterns are generic (example Hoppers) but remain as important pattern to consider.

Fly fishing can offer you the chance to enjoy some of the most beautiful natural environments to be found anywhere as well as a challenge that many sportsmen consider to be the pinnacle of sport-fishing. Learning more about the tackle, gear and other equipment you need in order to take part in this sport is a very important effort, one that will ensure you have access to the best resources and supplies for your future outings and expeditions. Investing in a better range of equipment options and resources will ensure a safe trip. 

The greater challenge and skill level needed to master fly fishing makes it a popular sport for many fisherman and outdoor enthusiasts. For those who have only a limited knowledge or understanding of this sport, finding the best sources of information and instruction can make a big difference on the outcome of their initial efforts. Choosing the best equipment, finding the right location and learning the tips and tricks of the trade that will allow you to find a greater measure of success for your efforts could all make a much bigger difference than you might think. Naturally we love to eat the best fish dishes no matter where we are. We happened to have been visiting Nashville this past week and happenend into the best restaurant in Nashville that served the best catfish in Nashville and had some great seafood as well. Stop on in with your family for a truly outdoor experience.

Fly fishing requires skill, patience, proper equipment and a little luck. Odds of success can be increased by following a few simple techniques. Successful fishermen dress in subdued, natural colors because bright colors will scare fish away. Observing the natural habitat at the fishing location is another strategy of successful fishermen. By observing whether there has been a recent insect hatch in the area, the fisherman can determine which fly will be the most attractive to the fish.

I have been a fan of fur hackled, or fur collared flies for quite some time: They just seem to bring me luck.  Weather they are thrown at trout or warm water species, their lively, pulsating movements in the water, and the profiles that fur collars create seem to elicit strikes from sometimes-stubborn fish.  And when tied thick, the fur collar can create bulk for displacing water without the added weight of a soggy wound-on zonker strip.  Also, durability is another quality that a fur collar has going for it.  When secured tightly, the fur will remain intact much longer than the fibers of regular soft hackle feather.

For about as long as dry flies have been used to imitate mayfly duns on the water’s surface, quill slips have been employed in their construction.  These slips, or sections of a bird’s feathers, affixed atop the hook shank and set erect, create the necessary profile, and color tones, of the upright wings of these mayflies. It can make for an attractive pattern that is quite pleasing to the eye.  In addition, this wing style can be tied in with minimal bulk and will act as a sort of ‘airfoil’ to assist the fly in landing in an upright position when cast. Look through any fly angling literature from yesteryear and you will see that most of dry patterns from then will have these wings.  An example of this is the book The Dry Fly and Fast Water, written by G. L. H. LaBranch.  In it he popularized his Whirling Dun pattern, and others that featured quill wings, which he fished with exclusively with great success. Perhaps the most popular dry fly winging method for imitating the subimago stage of the mayfly is the employment of duck flank feathers for the upright wings.  This can be seen readily in traditional dry flies such as the Hendrickson, Cahill, Quill Gordon, Red Quill and others. Some tiers feel that the barring on these delicate feathers create a close imitation to the speckled appearance that many mayfly wings show; while others point towards the translucency and light diffraction properties of these feathers. We have been able to stay online with the help of a Maine SEO and Web Design Company that gets our information in front of the correct viewing audiance online! We are all supporters of the great Maine outdoors and support the causes of Maine Game Camera Videos in preserving ecosystems!

Where is the Best Fishing in Maine?

Although my first fly tying experiences were not very enjoyable. Not knowing how to attach various materials to the hook led to problems, but after awhile I picked it up. And little by little I’ve developed a great satisfaction from tying flies. And even  greater satisfaction from catching fish on my own creations. Such is the story with this fly.  

 The Sandusky Sculpin.

 I developed this fly after a conversation with a fly fishing buddy 

from Maine. We were discussing the various uses for Sculpins. Mostly as a bottom dwelling bait fish imitation, but I had other ideas. I have been fishing the river below my house since I can remember. It started with bullhead fishing at night with worms and sinkers. I can remember landing fish that rarely exceeded 8 inches. I also remember pulling up the worm with a one or two inch baby bullhead hanging from the worm. So I decided that the Smallmouth Bass on the river must eat them, after all they were bait fish size.

So with a little ambition I developed a simple imitation.

 I started with a size 8 streamer hook, some black 6/0 thread. First I tied on a 3-4 strand tail of black ostrich for a nice long wavy tail. Then I started spinning on the wool, sparse at first building a tapered body with a big head. I added some black Goose biot to the sides and one on top for fins. Pretty simple, but effective!

You may have noticed that I didn’t weight the hook. That’s an optional thing. I use the fly on a sinking line, and I don’t want the fly right on the bottom. I may get some arguments on this, but a bullhead is not exclusively a bottom feeder, so I wanted the fly to move through the water table and “swim” freely around.  I fished it at the head of a pool allowing the water to move it about.

 I used it for the first time and found it very effective on smallmouth and largemouth both. I caught eight fish in about  two hours. All around 12 inches. Pretty descent for the stretch of river I fished. All fish were released to be caught again on another creation.

I plan on using this fly quite often in the future, I may even try it on browns, since they eat bait fish too. I may have to modify it a bit though, due to clearer water conditions.

Any ways that’s all I have to say for now. For my next article I’ll bring up some low-budget fly tying tips. Have a wonderful day and keep kids fishing.

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